asthma remedies can given to the 3year old kid

My baby has asthma .she is 3.5 year old .can i apply your remedies for my asthma is cureable after these remedies.

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Avoiding triggers, using medications, and keeping an eye on daily asthma symptoms are the ways to control asthma in children of all ages. Children with asthma should always be kept away from all sources of smoke. Proper use of medication is the basis of good asthma control.

Based on your child’s history and the severity of asthma, his or her doctor will develop an Asthma Action Plan and give you a written copy. This plan describes when and how your child should use asthma drugs, what to do when asthma gets worse (falls into the yellow or red zones), and when to seek emergency care for your child. Make sure you understand this plan and ask your child’s doctor any questions you may have.

Please consult doctor before trying any home remedies.