awesome body hacks will change life

It can be really annoying as well as irritating when you get a nasty case of hiccups in a public place. To reduce hiccups immediately, you need to increase the level of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.

Drinking water upside-down can help achieve this. It will take your mind off of your hiccups, which is also said to help stop hiccups. To do this:

Fill a glass with cold water.
Bend down at the waist and put your head down.
Drink the water from the opposite side of the glass than you would normally.
If needed, repeat again.
This remedy may not be feasible to do if you are in a public place. In such cases, try to hold your breath as long as you can, then exhale as slowly as you can.

When you are sitting in class listening to a lecture or attending a meeting, yawning is another annoying issue that most of us have to deal with. Yawning sends the signal that you are disinterested or bored.

To suppress yawning, opt for a glass of cool water and sip it slowly. It will rejuvenate the body and suppress the feeling of yawning for some time.

You can also try taking a few deep breaths through your nose and exhaling through your mouth until the urge to yawn has passed.

Crying is an emotional reaction that most of us have to go through from time to time. But there are times when we all wish that we could just hold back our tears, especially in public places.

Whenever you feel like crying and want to hold the tears back, hold your eyes open without blinking. This will prevent the tears from forming.

If you’ve already started crying, blink a few times quickly to stop the flow of tears. Turning your face upward and looking up can also help prevent crying.

Another option is distraction through pain. To do this, just pinch the webbed piece of skin between your thumb and index finger. The harder you pinch, the sooner you can stop yourself from crying.

Acid reflux, which is characterized by heartburn or burning pain around the lower chest area, most often occurs after having a heavy meal for dinner.

If you are prone to acid reflux, try sleeping on your left side. This will keep your stomach lower than your esophagus, which will prevent stomach acid from sliding up into your throat.

Avoid sleeping on your right side. According to a 2000 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, a right-side sleeping position causes higher acid levels and an increased incidence of acid reflux as compared to sleeping on the left side.

Another option is to chew gum after eating a meal and going to bed soon after.