best ways to shorten your life

Are you introverted or shy? There isn’t much you can do to change your basic disposition, but there is an advantage in socializing more. Experts say a lack of social relationships can be as damaging to your lifespan as smoking or drinking. Researchers believe a stronger social life offers benefits such as social support, social influence, social engagement, interpersonal contact and access to financial and health care resources. The effects are not only strong, but they tend to last a long time, say researchers. A 2013 review of 148 studies found that participants with stronger social relationships had a 50 percent increased likelihood of survival.

The “I have a headache” excuse might be killing your sex life — and hurting your health too. According to research published in the British Medical Journal, older guys who had sex once a month had double the mortality rate compared to the guys the same age who were having sex once a week. The benefits of sex are many. A dance in the sack burns calories, increases heart rate and releases feel-good chemicals that calm the body and mind. Sex might even lower blood pressure. The link between sex and mortality is complex, but isn’t it nice knowing that something in this world that feels good won’t kill us?

Most people don’t surround themselves with jerks who annoy them with rudeness, inconsiderate behavior and disrespect. But there isn’t much you can do when that person is your colleague, boss or family member. Researchers studying the workplace say that thoughtless or mean people are so bad for your health that they actually shorten your lifespan. If there is no way to separate yourself from these folks, then you must learn how to get along with them. Pick up a copy of Nicholas Boothman’s book, “How to Make People Like You in 90 Seconds Or Less” and learn how to get along with nearly anyone.