Best yoga poses to strengthen your bones

Extended Triangle Pose (Trikonasana):

This pose is one of the easiest to perform and has many benefits. This asana also helps enhance spine flexibility and relieves gastritis as well. The Trikonasana helps stretch the entire body gently, while helping strengthen the lower body and the bones (2).

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana):

This is another asana that is therapeutic for osteoporosis and helps stretch the back, chest and neck. For best results, remain in the same pose for at least one minute to stretch the chest and spine. If you need more support, consider placing a block under your back.

Seated Twisting Pose (Ardha Matsyendrāsana):

This is one of the best poses in yoga for healthy bones. This pose puts pressure on the spine. It helps stimulate bone production and is exceptionally efficient in helping relax the back and neck, while helping promote bone health. The milder twists help stretch the back and put little pressure to the vertebrae (3).

Seated Twisting Pose (Ardha Matsyendrāsana):

This is one of the best poses in yoga for healthy bones. This pose puts pressure on the spine. It helps stimulate bone production and is exceptionally efficient in helping relax the back and neck, while helping promote bone health. The milder twists help stretch the back and put little pressure to the vertebrae (3).