can chronic fatigue come and go

There is currently no specific cure for CFS. Each afflicted person has different symptoms and may therefore benefit from different types of treatment aimed at managing the disease and relieving their symptoms.

Making some changes to your lifestyle can help reduce your symptoms. Limiting or eliminating your caffeine intake will help you sleep better and ease your insomnia. You should limit your nicotine and alcohol intake, too. Try to avoid napping during the day. Create a sleep routine: You should go to bed at the same time every night and aim to wake up around the same time every morning.

It’s also important to pace yourself during activities. Overexertion can make your symptoms worse and bring on an episode of fatigue. Avoid emotional and physical stress. Take time each day to relax or participate in activities you enjoy.

Two types of therapy appear to benefit people with CFS. One is psychological counseling to help you cope with CFS and improve your mindset. The other is physical therapy. A physical therapist can evaluate you and create an exercise routine for you that gradually increases in intensity. This is known as graded exercise therapy, or GET.

No one medication can treat all of your symptoms. Also, your symptoms may change over time. In many cases, CFS can trigger depression, and you may need an antidepressant to combat it. If lifestyle changes don’t give you a restful night’s sleep, your doctor may suggest a sleep aid. Pain medication can also help you cope with aches and joint pain caused by your CFS.