can i take this cold medication with that one

There’s no cure, but lots of medicines can give you some relief from the coughing, sneezing, and stuffiness that go with it.

When you head to the pharmacy to look for an over-the-counter drug, keep in mind there’s no such thing as a “perfect” cold medicine. A medication that does the job for your friend may not work for you.

Here’s what you need to know when you search for relief.

It depends on what’s bothering you. If your nose and sinuses are stuffed up, a decongestant may help. You can use it alone or combine it with an antihistamine. Remember, though, it can increase your heart rate and may cause anxiety or make it hard to fall asleep.

If you have a runny nose or sneezing, try an antihistamine. Some types may have diphenhydramine, which can make you drowsy. Be careful if you need to drive or use machinery. You can also try non-sedating antihistamines, which don’t make you as sleepy.

Dry mouth is another common side effect of antihistamines.