control of hair loss and want thick hairs


For hair loss follow these remedies;

  1. Drink 1 natural vitamin E capsule and 1 biotin tablet daily.
    2.Apply oilive oil on your scalp and massage.
  2. Always use baby shampoo or a mild shampoo which is recommended for daily use.
  3. Never apply conditioner on to your scalp or onto the roots. Flip your hair down and apply conditioner from tips to half way of your hair.
  4. Eat green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce etc as much as you can.
  5. Dont use any heat on your hair if you are having severe hair loss
  6. Be very careful with wet hair. Always towel dry softly using a soft towel.Use only a wide toothed comb to untangle.
  7. Protect your hair from sun using sun blocking leave on or hats/scarfs etc
  8. Teleseen Product Evermatin is supposed to help but i havent tried this.
  9. Massage the back of the head, area just above the backside of the neck in slow circular motions with pre-heated warm olive oil for 20 mins everyday.
  10. Apply king coconut oil/ coconut oil mixed with olive oil everyday; keep for at least 2 hours before washing off.
  11. Do not use any chemicals in your hair, especially on your scalp if you have severe hair loss