easy ways to lose weight what you eat

Drink plenty of water

Often we think we’re hungry when our bodies are actually just begging for water. So it’s important to drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Drinking water not only keeps fat toxins moving out of the body, it also keeps your metabolism running optimally. In fact, in a 2013 study showed 14 healthy men and women increased their metabolic rate by 30 percent after drinking about 16 ounces of water!

And if that’s not enough to convince you the world’s healthiest drink will help you lose weight fast, remember that it’s calorie-free, too!

Pack your own snacks

It comes on suddenly: One minute you’re feeling great and the next you’re starving for a snack. Skip the vending machine and prepare your own healthy snacks to take to work, school or whenever you’re out and about. From apple chips to an on-the-go healthy smoothie, packing your own snacks will help you lose weight fast while also giving you the nutrients you need without the icky preservatives from expensive, processed “foods