fat burning activities that dont seem like exercise

Fat-Burning Activities – Volleyball

fat-burning activities

Volleyball is one of the top fat-burning activities that don’t seem like exercise. Volleyball makes for the most amazing full body workout targeting the shoulders, abs, arms and legs. You will burn many more calories when you play volleyball in the sand. This game is still great exercise even on a regular turf. Beach volleyball burns nearly 300 calories in half an hour. Thus, you should not miss this activity if you want to burn fat.

Jogging Or Walking

Walking or jogging are considered as great physical activities that can burn fat and calories.

In order to help reduce stored fat and promote your metabolism, try walking for 30 to 60 minutes at a moderate pace, five times a week. You can try to walk in beautiful parks, in new neighborhoods, or anyplace inspiring you. Or log walking time while you do other things such as talking on the phone, listening to music, taking stairs more often, going to the market, doing household chores, etc. Aside from burning calories, regular jogging or walking reduces the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, colon cancer, strokes and diabetes. Also, it has been indicated to have a positive impact on both mental and emotional health.

Fat-Burning Activities – Cycling

fat-burning activities

Cycling is fun and exciting. Also, riding a bicycle is an environment-friendly and interesting way to discover the world around you. It is also one of the fat-burning activities that don’t seem like exercise. It helps to reduce belly fat and tones all the muscles of the lower body. In addition, it makes the lungs work harder to obtain more oxygen, thereby raising your metabolism. You can ride through parks or the city, or mountain biking.


Gardening can help you burn fat and calories. Studies have indicated that regular gardening prevents heart disease and diabetes, reduces blood pressure, as well as eliminates the depression symptoms. You can burn about 200 – 300 calories in thirty minutes relying on the types of activities, such as squatting, lifting, weeding or digging. Apart from burning calories, gardening lets you spend time with nature in a wonderful and beautiful landscape with herbs, vegetables and flowers that you can enjoy. It is advisable to try spending a whole afternoon several times per week enjoying gardening.