Get rid of acne without hormones or proactive vitamins clear-ac nature's cure and other treatments?

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a simple and inexpensive cure for acne that works very well for many people. It can be used internally and externally for acne. When used topically, apple cider vinegar fights bacteria, supports the natural acidic nature of the skin and can shrink pores. Used internally, apple cider vinegar helps to alkalize the body and supply probiotics to the system.

Turmeric is blood purifying herb that is also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. If antibiotics have worked to relieve your acne, it is possible that turmeric would as well. Turmeric is taken internally for acne. 1-3 capsules can be taken twice a day, or ½ teaspoon can be added to some milk and taken as “golden milk.” Turmeric should be taken with plenty of water to avoid constipation. Turmeric is especially helpful when used with vitamin C.

Vitamin C

Used alone or along side of turmeric, vitamin C supports the immune system, helps to fight infection, and is needed for skin regeneration. Sodium ascorbate is a good form of vitamin C to use and is easier on the system than ascorbic acid. 500-1,000 mg is taken 1-3 times a day. If your body is getting too much vitamin C, it will let you know. Too much vitamin C will cause loose stools, in which case you should reduce the dose.
Vitamin A

Vitamin A supplements help some who suffer with acne. Because vitamin A is fat soluble and stored in the body, do not use excessive amounts of vitamin A. An alternative is to eat foods rich in vitamin A, like carrots. Carrot juice is even sometimes used topically to treat acne, and carrot essential oil is included in many face care products for its benefit to the skin.


Acne can be a symptom of toxic overload in your system. Your skin eliminates toxins and acne is one way your body releases toxins. You can do things to help your body eliminate toxins in other ways, which will reduce the acne outbreaks.

As aforementioned, plenty of water is a simple way to help your body flush out toxins.

Simple detox baths with Epsom salt or baking soda a few times a week can help your body eliminate toxins. Start with 1 cup of Epsom salt or baking soda per bath. For more information, see our page on detox baths or you can make your own bath bombs to use for detox.

If you do not have regular bowel movements (another way your body eliminates waste) your body will find alternatives to eliminate waste which can result in acne as toxins are eliminated through the skin. If constipation is an issue, find some simple remedies to get your body regular.

Liquid chlorophyll is a supplement you can use to help your body to remove toxins.