guidance on how to effectively breastfeed your baby

Breastfeeding for the first time
Breastfeeding is natural, but mothers and babies need help to learn how to breastfeed successfully. Your midwife or health visitor can help you start breastfeeding your baby

Skin to skin contact
It is important to hold your baby in skin to skin contact immediately after birth. Your midwife usually gives you the baby to hold in skin to skin contact.

During skin to skin contact:

the midwife places your baby on your tummy so their head is near your breast
you gently caress your baby
your baby can see your face
there is no interruption as you get to know your baby
You should keep this contact for an hour after birth or until your baby finishes their first feed.
This contact helps:

keep your baby warm and calm
regulate your baby’s breathing and heartbeat
you give the first breastfeed

Staying with your baby
In the first six months, it’s best if your baby stays with you all the time, including at night. Place your baby in a cot to sleep in your bedroom, but never in your bed. By staying with your baby, you learn about your baby and become a more confident mother. It also helps establish successful breastfeeding more quickly