hand osteoarthritis what you need to know

Arthritis is a general term for inflammation in the joints. Arthritis can occur in numerous forms. The most common is osteoarthritis, a condition in which the cartilage, the protective cushioning between the joints, wears out. When this happens, the bones rub directly against other bones

This causes structural changes that can be seen on X-rays. Bone deposits or bone spurs known as osteophytes may develop on the edges of the joints. The soft tissues that stabilize joints may also show signs of wear.

Arthritis is often painful, but not always. Over time, arthritis can result in joint deformity and can limit the motion and function of joints.

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis, may affect one or more joints anywhere in the body. The joints most often affected are the hands and the weight-bearing joints of the lower extremities (knees, hips, feet).