health benefits asafetida hing

Asafetida is an amazing spice to treat various kinds of stomach problems. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiflatulent properties that help alleviate problems like indigestion, upset stomach, intestinal gas, intestinal worms, flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is also considered useful in treating food poisoning.

Consume a little bit of asafetida on a daily basis by adding it to curries and food.
Another option is to dissolve a few small pieces of asafetida in one-half cup of water. Drink it daily after eating your meal.

Cures Respiratory Disorders

Due to its anti inflammatory, antiviral and antibiotic effects, asafetida is often used to treat respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, dry cough, whooping cough and colds. Plus, it acts as a respiratory stimulant, which is very useful in relieving chest congestion and releasing phlegm.

A paste prepared by grinding asafetida in water and then applying it on your chest is an effective remedy for relieving a cough.
You can also mix together one-half teaspoon each of asafetida powder and dry ginger powder and two tablespoons of honey. Have this mixture at least three times a day to get relief from a dry cough, whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma.

Asafetida is really a boon for women, as it helps get rid of menstrual pain, irregular menstruation and heavy blood flow during menstruation. Asafetida boosts progesterone secretion and promotes smooth blood flow, and thus provides relief from these common female issues.

Mix a pinch of asafetida, one-half teaspoon of fenugreek powder and salt for taste in a cup of buttermilk.
Drink this two or three times daily for a month to alleviate the pain and discomfort accompanying menstrual periods.

Soothes Headaches

Whether you have a headache due to a common cold or a migraine, asafetida can surely solve your problem. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, asafetida can help reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, which in turn will reduce headaches.

Heat a dash of asafetida in one and one-half cup of water. Allow it to simmer for about 15 minutes and then drink it a few times a day to relieve mild tension headache.
Another option is to take one teaspoon each of asafetida, dried ginger, camphor and two teaspoons of tailed pepper. Add enough milk or rose water to form a paste. Apply this paste on your forehead to treat tension and migraine headaches.