health benefits beetroots

Beetroots, being rich in nitrates can reduce stroke, heart related diseases and blood pressure. This is because nitrate gets oxidized when mixed with blood forming nitric oxide that enlarges blood vessels and increases the oxygen content in blood. Consuming beetroot on a regular basis is important to have a healthy heart.

Best Antioxidant:

Antioxidants are essential to support the immune system. Colourful fruits and vegetables are said to contain antioxidant properties, beetroot being red in colour contains beta cyanine, a very good antioxidant and can reduce LDL, also known as bad cholesterol.

The Brain Factor:

Decline in mental power is very common among aged people. As they get older, they tend to lose memory power. Consuming beetroot is the best solution for this problem. Beetroot when consumed can increase the blood flow to the brain which in turn reduces the effect of dementia.

The Skeletal Health Provider:

As beetroots contain natural minerals like silica, it helps the body to utilize the calcium consumed in a proper way providing strength to bones and makes the bones stronger. It also contains nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, folate that are the best supplements to strengthen bones.