health benefits watermelon

Reduces Insulin Resistance

When people hear “insulin,” many automatically think of diabetes, since insulin is so critical in this disease.

Type 2 diabetes especially is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by hyperglycemia and developing insulin resistance.

In this type of disorder, your body produces insulin, but your body’s cells become resistant to the effects of the insulin

Muscle Soreness

Many people have no doubt felt really good after working out, where you feel as if you could run a marathon!

There is, however, an equally common feeling of muscle soreness several hours or so after that same workout that makes you want to flop on a couch and sleep for the rest of the day.

Fortunately, scientists have been making progress in assessing natural muscle relief for athletes and those who experience pain after working out.

Kidney Disorders

Contrary to what the name may imply, there is more to watermelon than just water.

In fact, watermelons actually have a very abundant supply of both calcium and potassium, each of which contributes to helping flush out the toxins in the body’s kidneys (12).

Even better, the calcium provided by watermelon is important for regulating cell functions, maintaining cell structure, and benefitting the cell differentiation process.

Extra calcium also aids in reducing the concentration of uric acid in the blood.


Current research has found direct links between active food components and cancer prevention and treatment.

One of the compounds most thoroughly studied is lycopene, a dietary component that seems to interfere with the numerous stages in the development of cancer (13).

Lycopene functions in diminishing insulin growth, which is a vital step in decreasing the prevalence of cancer.

Other evidence has shown that lycopene helps with the regression of cancer by targeting and interrupting cancer cell growth, apoptosis, carcinogen metabolism, and hormone regulation.