home remedies detoxification

Green Smoothies

This is the most common way to detoxify your body. It helps rid the body of harmful toxins while providing a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.

Green smoothies include a number of green vegetables containing chlorophyll, which helps in detoxification and getting rid of heavy metals like those found in pesticides and industrial pollutants. Start your day with this green smoothie to provide energy and boost metabolism.

Put one cup of kale (coarsely chopped), one green apple (coarsely chopped), one ripe banana and one-half cup of fresh parsley leaves in a blender. If you do not have kale then use collard greens.
Blend the ingredients with about two and one-quarter or two and one-half cups of water.
Start by drinking one cup of this smoothie daily. Gradually increase the dosage to three to four cups a day for at least three weeks.

Raw Juices

Raw fruit and vegetable juices, such as that of apples, carrots, grapefruits, spinach, blueberries, oranges, cucumbers, beets, and lettuce, are highly beneficial for nourishing your body as well as removing harmful toxins.

Juices extracted from green vegetables are particularly beneficial because they contain chlorophyll, which aids in the removal of cancer-related toxins. Being loaded with nutrients, fresh juices also give a boost to your immune system.

You can simply drink a glass of raw fruit or vegetable juice two or three times a day or replace one meal daily with fresh juices. For a juice fast, drink five to six glasses of fresh fruit and vegetable juices daily for a few days.

In addition to juice from a single fruit or vegetable, you can create a juice blend by juicing five carrots, four celery stalks, one beet, one small apple, one small cucumber, and half a lemon. For better absorption of the nutrients, drink the juice slowly rather than quickly gulping it down.


Lemon juice works as a powerful detoxifier and alkalizer. It also stimulates the liver’s bile production and boosts mineral intake as well as absorption.

Its high antioxidant and vitamin C content will also strengthen your immune system. Lemons, especially the peels, contain an antioxidant called d-limonene, which has been found to activate enzymes in the liver that help remove toxic compounds.

Drink a cup of warm water mixed with the juice squeezed from one lemon. Do this daily, first thing in the morning, until you experience improved health.
Mix one-half cup of lemon juice, one tablespoon of honey, and one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water. Drink this daily for a few days or weeks.

Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salt baths increase the magnesium level in the body, which is required for detoxifying cells. It also helps detoxify metals from the body. In addition, it will soothe body aches and pains.

Mix one to two cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub filled with warm water.
Soak in it for about 15 minutes.
Do this up to three times per week.