home remedies for bronchitis

Oregano Oil

In order to lessen the soreness and deep coughing, oregano oil can be used as a natural treatment. A person suffering from bronchitis has to put a few drops of oregano oil under his or her tongue. Use this remedy once a day to cure severe cough or uneasy breathe.

Salt Water

Salt water has the ability to cut through the mucous which is causing irritation in the sensitive bronchial membranes. It also soothes the irritated throat. Add some salt in warm water and stir it well. Now, gargle with this warm salt water 3-4 times a day.


The immune building and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger not only help treating cold, but also sore and inflamed bronchial tubes.

Prepare a mixture by adding one teaspoon each of pepper, ginger powder, and cloves. Add a little amount of this mixture in milk or honey and have it thrice a day to get relief.
Prepare a powder of ground ginger, cloves, and cinnamon. Add half teaspoon of this mixture in a glass of hot water. Drink the mixture after stirring it well. To get relief, try this remedy for a few days.
For instant relief, you can also prepare herbal tea. For this, you need to add one teaspoon each of black pepper and ginger powder in a cup of boiling water. Allow it to steep for a few minutes. After sometime, add honey in it and stir well. Drink this herbal tea two times a day.

Orange Juice

Orange is rich in vitamin C. It is suggested to consume plenty of vitamin C to build strong immune system. To treat bronchitis, fruit juices are the best home remedies. Orange juice not only provides nutrients and vitamins, but also soothes the inflamed throat.

Orange juice can also be used with almonds to alleviate sore throat. Finely crush half teaspoon of fresh almonds and add it in orange juice. Drink this at night.