How are gallstones treated in alternative medicine?

Follow an Anti-Inflammatory Diet that Supports Liver and Gallbladder Health

Your diet can dramatically impact liver and gallbladder health and determine whether or not you properly produce and release cholesterol particles into bile. To regulate your body’s use of cholesterol, consume more anti-inflammatory foods − which have numerous benefits in addition to lowering risk for gallstones. An anti-inflammatory diet also lowers high-estrogen foods that can contribute estrogen excess.

Try to eat more high-fiber foods, like all types of vegetables, fruit, nuts/seeds, beans/legumes and in moderation gluten-free grains. Processed foods are more refined and usually contain less fiber, but are higher in sugar, artificial ingredients and inflammatory compounds like vegetable oils. Beets, artichokes and dandelion greens are great choices for supporting digestive health since these vegetables help improve bile flow, which breaks down fat.

When it comes to fats, focus on easily digestible healthy fats like fish oil, coconut oil and olive oil that are supportive of your liver and help your gallbladder contract and empty on a regular basis. Coconut oil contains the easiest form of fat for the body to digest, which are medium-chained fatty acids (MCFAs). Sprouted seeds such as flax, chia, hemp and pumpkin seeds are also beneficial since they are easy to digest and can reduce inflammation.

To support gallbladder health best, I recommend consuming healthy fats in small amounts over the course of the day, only about one tablespoon of oils at one time, or about 2 tablespoons of sprouted nuts and seeds. This is because you don’t want to overconsume fat and put stress on the organs.

Remember that many people come into contact with all types of “toxins” every day, from chemicals in household products to water and air pollution. One of the main ways the body rids itself of toxins is through the liver, which works very hard to clean the blood, produce the bile needed to digest fat, break down hormones and store essential nutrients.

Dietary factors that can increase gallbladder risk include eating high levels of cholesterol, saturated fat, trans fatty acids, refined sugar and possibly legumes. Consuming a vegetarian diet is also associated with decreased risk, as is avoiding allergenic foods. To help cleanse the liver, remove the following foods from your diet as much as possible:

hydrogenated oils (canola, corn, sunflower, safflower)
refined sugar
convenience foods
lunch/deli meats
excess alcohol
conventional, farm-raised animal products or dairy products (which are difficult to digest and often pro-inflammatory)
Focus on adding more fresh produce and vegetable juices, organic and grass-fed animal products, and potassium-rich foods — like avocado, leafy greens, tomato, sweet potato and bananas.