how cellulite treatments work

It’s much more common in women than in men because of the way our fat, muscle, and connective tissues are distributed. About 80 to 90 percent of women have it, including celebs like Jillian Michaels.
Why does it look lumpy? When fat cells push up against our skin, and the fibrous tissue that connects our skin to our muscle pulls down, it causes that uneven appearance.

It’s most commonly seen around the thighs and tush, but it can be found on the breasts, lower belly, and upper arms as well.
Cellulite ranges in severity from slight bumps to an extremely wavy orange-peel texture. Some women will only see it if they squeeze their skin or when sitting down, while others may have very obvious uneven skin with deep dimples or crevices.

It’s a myth that skinny people don’t have cellulite.
If you have thin skin, cellulite will be more visible.
Hormonal changes that occur when you become a mother can also trigger cellulite.
Opt for a smaller cup of joe, since one of the toxins in cellulite appears to be caffeine. Dehydration caused by too much caffeine can also make cellulite more noticeable.

Take a bath and relax. Stress may also be a risk factor.
Some studies show that applying retinol cream to the area helps diminish cellulite because it thickens skin, but other studies show no effect.
Going for a run is more effective at getting rid of cellulite than rubbing on an anticellulite cream. That’s because the best way to spot-reduce cellulite is to decrease your overall body fat.
Yo-yo dieting can increase your risk of cellulite, so work hard to maintain a healthy weight.
Although squats and lunges won’t diminish cellulite, they will tone your butt and legs, revealing lean muscle once you reduce your body fat through cardio.
Eat your veggies like your mom told you to, and you’ll notice less dimpling. While they won’t erase it, they will help you maintain a healthy weight, and the less fat on your body, the less cellulite appears.