how do you clean marijuana out of your system for good?

its been 1 month since ive smoked but i was smoking pretty much everyday for about 6 monthes

Effect of smoking marijuana fade quickly but the drug can be detected in the body for weeks and sometimes longer depending on how often or how much marijuana the user has been smoking.
Drink lot of water and juices. Also have green tea once or twice daily.

It’s stored in your fat cells and your hair…the only way to get it out for good is to stop smoking it…

It will be detectable in your hair for up to 5 years, depending on how often you cut out…unless you use a shampoo to fool a drug test…

On your urine for up to 90 days depending on your weight, health, and activity level…the heavier you are, and the less active the longer up to 90 days…unless you use fake urine to best a drug test. Don’t believe those that will tell you 30 days or less…be over cautious…