how do you get rid of hyperpigmentation

Aloe vera: Aloe vera works excellently on hyperpigmented skin due to the presence of mucilaginous polysaccharides in the gel. It can remove the dead skin cells and promote regeneration of new skin cells.
Orange Peel: Mix dry, powdered orange peel with cold milk (un-skimmed and un-boiled) and a little honey to make out a thick paste. Apply it gently over the pigmented skin and patches; let it sit there for half an hour then wash it off.
Potato: Potatoes are well known to remove skin pigmentation, dark spots and blemishes. Rub gently a freshly cut slice of potato on the affected areas of your skin every day.
Turmeric: Turmeric has bleaching properties that can help get rid of the symptoms of hyperpigmented skin. Plus, turmeric can keep the skin free of infection.
Lemon Juice & Honey: Mix lemon juice and pure organic honey in equal proportions. Apply over the affected areas. Whereas lemon acts as natural bleach, the honey has moisturizing properties. However, as lemon is acidic so avoid this remedy in case you are having sensitive skin.