How do you get rid of kidney stone holistically?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil


Sounds awful, doesn’t it? People do claim success in mixing a concoction of lemon juice and olive oil to help dissolve kidney stones as a popular home remedy. Proponents of this method claim that at the first notice of symptoms, mix five ounces of olive oil with five ounces of lemon juice. Drink this combination straight and then drink a glass of water. You should blend this concoction and drink it straight first thing in the morning and again in the late afternoon. Be sure to drink plenty of water as well and extra lemon juice, if possible. Continue this treatment for several days until the stone passes. It is thought that the lemon juice could break down the kidney stones and the olive oil would aid in lubrication to pass the stone more easily. Extra-virgin olive oil is thought to be the best olive oil ingredient to use because it is the thickest and healthiest.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Makes your mouth pucker just thinking of it. Some home remedy enthusiasts swear by the use of apple cider vinegar to treat kidney stones. The theory behind it is that apple cider vinegar is made of citric acid that which could play a role in dissolving kidney stones, helping the body pass the stones more easily. In addition, it is believed that apple cider vinegar helps in the prevention of kidney stones to begin with by alkalizing the effect on blood and urine and promoting the production of hydrochloric acid in the body to prevent the formation of kidney stones. Proponents of this home remedy recommend mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with six to eight ounces of water and drinking the mixture frequently throughout the day, and especially before meal times to help dissolve kidney stones. Drinking ample amounts of fresh water throughout the day is also suggested to help flush the kidneys. If the stones are passed, you are advised to continue drinking this solution one to two times a week to prevent future kidney stones from forming.

Coke and Asparagus
Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? A common home remedy for kidney stones involves drinking a large amount of Coke and following it up by consuming a half pound of steamed asparagus, pureed. Followers of this method suggest that the phosphoric acid found in Coke aids in dissolving the kidney stones. Asparagus is used as a diuretic. Coke alone will dehydrate you, which is not a good thing if you are suffering from kidney stones. It is the interaction with the diuretic asparagus and the phosphoric acid in the Coke that is the key to breaking down the kidney stone and allowing it to pass. In theory.

We’ve seen no evidence that Coke or asparagus provides any help in the passage or dissolving of kidney stones. The University of Chicago characterized this home remedy as “useless” and went on to say: