How do you go about treating a bacterial disease?

Ask your doctor about different types of antibiotics. Asking your doctor about the different types of antibiotics that are available will make it easier for you to understand what your doctor is prescribing.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics fight a wide variety of bacteria. Broad-spectrum antibiotics treat gram positive and negative bacteria, so your doctor may prescribe one of these types of antibiotics if he or she is unsure about what bacteria you have.
    Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Tetracycline and Ciprofloxacin are examples of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
Medium-spectrum antibiotics target a group of bacteria. Penicillin and bacitracin are popular medium-spectrum antibiotics.
Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are made to treat one specific kind of bacteria. Polymyxins fall into this small category of antibiotics. Treatment is much easier and more effective when your doctor knows what kind of bacterial infection you have

Follow your doctor’s instructions for how to treat your infection. Your doctor will select the type of antibiotic that works best against the specific bacteria that has caused your infection. Keep in mind that there are many different kinds of antibiotics and only a doctor can prescribe an antibiotic to you.

Make sure that you know exactly how much of the antibiotic you are supposed to take, and when you are supposed to take it. Some antibiotics need to be taken with food, some need to be taken at night, etc. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you don’t understand the dosage instructions

Take the full course of antibiotics that your doctor prescribes. If you do not take the full course, your infection may get worse. You may also become antibiotic resistant, which can make it hard to treat other infections.

Even if you feel better, you need to take all of the antibiotics to kill the disease causing bacteria that is left in your body. If you stop treatment too soon, you may never fully get rid of the infection