How do you make your hands soft?

Avoid soap if you can. Avoid formulas with synthetic fragrances, preservatives, and sulfates, as these are all drying. Foaming and antibacterial types are also likely to strip your skin of its own natural fats and oils. Choose moisturizing cleansers instead, and be sure you rinse thoroughly.
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. After each and every wash, moisturize your hands. Carry moisturizer with you. Try our Coconut Body Oil or our Radiant Skin Silk—both absorb easily and soothe the skin.
Avoid hot-air dryers. There are becoming more and more popular because they save money and the environment, but they can easily dry-out your hands. Pat-dry with some toilet paper or simply shake dry, then put on your lotion!

Wear gloves. You may already do this, but sometimes we forget. The best treatment is always prevention, so whether you’re out on the job, gardening, or simply washing the dishes, gloves will help protect your hands from damage. Avoid vinyl ones, however, as they can make skin even more dry. Use cotton and leather.
Exfoliate. We have learned to exfoliate our faces, but we often neglect our hands. Yet the skin on the hands—especially on the back of them

Use a humidifier. Particularly in the winter and in dry climates, a humidifier can be a lifesaver when it comes to your skin. The most important place to have one is in your bedroom, so you can take advantage of it while you sleep.
Invest in some pure aloe. This natural substance is a miracle worker when it comes to providing moisture.
Bathe in oats. Cooked or raw oats are great for chapped hands. Add it to your bathwater, or mix it up with some warm olive or jojoba oil in a basin and soak your hands in it for 10-15 minutes.
Pure coconut oil. This stuff is magic for skin because of its unique combination of fatty acids. Apply it directly onto skin and wear gloves for the best results.