How do you prepare aloe vera at home?

Now that you’ve identified the numerous health benefits of aloe vera, it’s time to know how to make aloe vera juice on your own. Homemade juice ensures the presence of all the essential nutrients, which are often lost in the commercialisation process. What’s more, it helps in extending the shelf life of the product. This is how to prepare aloe vera juice at home yourself:

What You Need

1 large aloe vera leaf
A sharp knife
Small bowl
3 cup water

What You Need To Do

Cut out one large and healthy leaf from your aloe plant. You can gently pull them off too, but cutting would be essential if your plant is sturdy, just like mine.
Remove the outer thorny layer of the leaves with the help of a sharp and pointy knife. This step will expose the latex of the leaves (a yellow layer that resides directly underneath).
Cut through the latex of the leaf with the same knife and scoop out the inner clear aloe vera gel with the help of a small spoon. The tip of the knife can also be used.
Transfer the gel into a small bowl.
In the next step, examine the gel for any latex remnants. Removing the latex is important as they are the one carrying strong laxative properties.
For making juice, take out two table
spoons of the aloe gel and put it into a blender.
Add water and blend it on a low setting for three to five minutes.
Pour out your juice in a clear glass. You can add a dash of lemon or ginger for added taste.
Your delicious glass of aloe juice is ready. If you wish, you may also dilute this juice with other juices or water to enhance its taste or flavor. You may also consume it in its natural state, but be aware of its laxative effect.