how gardening improves health

It Reduces Stress And Anxiety
Getting out in the garden at the end of a busy day reduces your stress levels and mental fatigue. In one study, participants performed a stressful activity and then were assigned 30 minutes of gardening or 30 minutes of indoor reading afterwards. Both reduced stress, but gardening had a significantly bigger impact.

It Decreases Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Diabetes
Gardening keeps you active and reduces your stress levels, and that means it can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other associated lifestyle diseases. Plus, eating the nutritious whole foods that you grow is great for heart health, too!

It Decreases Your Risk Of Heart Disease And Diabetes
Gardening keeps you active and reduces your stress levels, and that means it can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and other associated lifestyle diseases. Plus, eating the nutritious whole foods that you grow is great for heart health, too!

It Keeps Your Mind Sharp
A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that various physical activities—gardening among them—can cut your risk of Alzheimer’s by 50 percent. Other research finds that horticulture therapy is very engaging for dementia patients and has a positive impact on their overall wellbeing.