how to become a neurologist

Obtain an Undergraduate Degree

young man visualizing the steps to graduationHigher education is mandatory. After you graduate from high school, you will attend a college or university, preferably one with a great reputation and curriculum. You will declare a major in the sciences; classes in biology, biochemistry and chemistry are very good preparatory coursework. Many students choose a pre-med program because they will meet other students who have similar goals, determination and dedication. To get into medical school you will need a four-year undergraduate degree in science or pre-med program. Students should try to keep their GPA at or above 3.4 since most schools are hesitant to accept students with a GPA lower than 3.0.

Take the MCAT and Apply to Medical Schools

After graduating from a four-year undergraduate program, you must successfully pass the MCAT® (Medical College Admission Test). You must apply to medical schools, go through a personal interview and be accepted into a program. Getting into top schools is highly competitive.

Attend Medical School, Obtain a Medical Degree and Complete an Internship.

When you are accepted into a medical school, you will then need to complete four years of medical studies, followed by a one-year internship. An internship is an essential step toward becoming a doctor. It is for someone who has earned a medical degree and in some cases, passed a medical licensing exam, but not fully licensed as a doctor. They need advanced training and an internship provides the opportunity to practice and train in a work environment under the supervision of fully qualified doctors.


During your internship, you will stay abreast of the latest news in neurology and look for a residency program based on your interests. A residency program provides you with the in-depth training within your sub-specialty. This is a very intensive time of training Apply for a Fellowship

After completing your medical residency, you may want to apply for a fellowship. Fellowships can last up to a few years and are exceptional for the increased experience they provide in sub-specialties.

Get Board Certified and Open Your Practice

male doctor extending his hand to shakeWith all of those steps behind you there is a still more testing. You will need to take oral and written tests to become a board certified Doctor of Neurology. When you pass these tests, you can set up a practice and start working as a neurologist.