How to become fat?

please give some tips to be fat. thanks

The simple trick to gaining weight involves taking more calories into the body than can be burned off. First, you need to figure out how many calories you need to eat per day to reach your ideal weight. Eating junk food is an easy way to gain weight, but junk food contains saturated and trans fats and is unhealthy for the body, increasing the risk for heart attack, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. A better way to gain weight is to eat healthy fats. Foods that contain healthy fats include avocados, seeds, nuts, salmon, trout, flaxseed, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, fish oil supplements and olive oil. Protein is also essential to gain weight and increase muscle mass. Healthy choices in protein are chicken, turkey, beans, fish, legumes, seeds, peanut butter and nuts. Carbohydrates are also an essential ingredient in healthy weight gain because they provide energy. Healthy carbohydrates include whole grain bread, whole wheat pastas, potatoes, fruits and corn.

Additional calories can be added to meals by drinking fruit juices, milkshakes or milk. Nutritional weight gain drinks include Ensure, which comes in a variety of flavors, and protein shakes.

Eating many meals a day instead of just three is another strategy. The idea is to eat about five to six meals throughout the day. The meals should all be nutritious and contain carbohydrates, fats and protein.