how to have a good menopausal experience

Menopause needn’t signal an end to your life. In some cultures, menopause is seen as a time when older women can help support the younger women as they raise their children. The older women are revered for their wisdom and knowledge. Menopause is a time of freedom and renewal–if you have any children, they should be grown and you are free of the monthly hassle of menstruation.

Menopause, the word, is a combination of two Greek words which mean month and terminate.

Menopause needn’t signal an end to your life. In some cultures, menopause is seen as a time when older women can help support the younger women as they raise their children. The older women are revered for their wisdom and knowledge. Menopause is a time of freedom and renewal–if you have any children, they should be grown and you are free of the monthly hassle of menstruation.

Menopause, the word, is a combination of two Greek words which mean month and terminate.

Some changes that signal perimenopause include:

changes in your menstrual flow which may become heavier than normal or lighter than normal or irregular periods
hot flashes and/or night sweats are common signs of perimenopause
vaginal dryness
sleep problems
increased fat around the waist
Up to 75 percent of women also report being more fatigued and experiencing emotional changes and/or nervousness, depression, and mood swings.