how to have pretty feet

Do foot soaks on a regular basis. Some basic foot care can help your feet look smooth and soft. Doing regular foot soaks can help remove dead skin cells and moisturize your feet.
A foot soak should last around 10 minutes. Any longer could leave your feet dry and cracked. Aim for lukewarm water. Water that’s too hot or too cold could cause redness and other damage.
You can soak your feet in plain water. If you have sensitive skin that tends to react poorly to additives, this might be your best bet. However, adding certain ingredients can help make the foot soak more relaxing and help moisturize and clean your feet

Exfoliate. Exfoliating feet is important to having strong, healthy feet. Exfoliation is a process by which dead skin cells are removed. You should exfoliate your feet once a week to keep them looking smooth and soft.
There are many ways to exfoliate your feet. You can buy foot creams and gels at department stores that come with micro-beads or other exfoliating agents. Use such creams as directed on the box. However, keep in mind micro-beads have a somewhat bad reputation amongst environmentalists. Beads are not biodegradable and end up causing pollution

Select proper footwear. A major factor in caring for your feet is selecting the right shoes. Shoes that are too tight can cause calluses, pain, and other damage.
Contrary to popular belief, foot size can change over time. Go to shoe store and have your feet measured before selecting shoes. A salesperson can assist you in determining what size shoe would work best for you.
Keep in mind most people have one foot that is slightly larger than the other. Select shoe size based on the larger of your two feet. It’s better to have shoes that are slightly too loose than shoes that are slightly too tight