how to respond to combative behavior from dementia

Don’t Rush
Allow plenty of time when helping your loved one get ready for the day. Repeatedly telling her that it’s time to go and that she’s going to be late just increases her stress, anxiety and frustration, which typically will decrease her ability to function well.

Talk Before Trying
Reminisce about something you know he’s interested in before you attempt to physically care for the person.Take three minutes to establish a rapport with him by talking about his favorite baseball team or his job as a teacher.

Three minutes upfront might save you 30 minutes that you might otherwise spend on trying to calm him down.

Take a Time Out
If it’s not going well, ensure the safety of your loved one or resident and come back in 15-20 minutes. A few minutes can sometimes seem like an entire day

Switch Caregivers
If you have the luxury of multiple caregivers such as in a facility environment, try having a different staff approach the person with dementia. Sometimes, the fresh face of a different caregiver can yield better results.

Less Is More
Is what you’re trying to help her with really necessary? Then continue to work on it.

But, if you can let something else go that’s not as important for the day, both you and your loved one will benefit if you pick your battles.

Offer a Familiar Item to Hold
Sometimes, a person can be reassured and calmed simply by holding her stuffed kitten or favorite photo album.