how to run without getting tired or breathing heavy

Consult with your physician to make sure that your heavy breathing isn’t due to a serious respiratory or medical condition, such as asthma. Return to running once your doctor grants permission.

Warm up at the beginning of your run; jog at an easy pace for the first five to 10 minutes before accelerating to your endurance speed. Starting your run off easy is crucial for activating your cardiovascular and circulatory system; as your body warms, your oxygen-rich blood flows to your muscles, which helps you to run more efficiently and last longer.

Follow the 10 percent rule when lengthening the duration of your runs; increase the mileage by just 10 percent each week. The reason, according to Runner’s World, is that most running injuries occur due to overuse and overtraining. Your body needs to acclimate to the increased stress level. And when it’s not able to, such as by taking a large jump in mileage from week to week, your progress can become impaired, and you will likely fatigue sooner rather than later.

Slow your pace if you find yourself breathing heavily or becoming tired earlier than you had hoped or expected. Focus on one aspect of running at a time, such as speed or endurance, but not both. Increasing your endurance first can provide you with the muscular and circulatory gains needed to then boost your speed.

Focus on your breath while running, no matter your pace or mileage; breathing correctly is key to preventing fatigue and shortness of breath. Follow the 3-to-2 rule; breathe in for three footsteps and out for two footsteps. Inhale through both your nose and mouth, which can help to maximize the air in your lungs. Exhale through your mouth, making sure that all of the air is out of your lungs before taking a breath in.