how to use interval walking to lose weight

Breathe fat away.

“It takes oxygen to keep all of your muscles firing and not run out of steam,” Dreyer says. Filling your lungs completely allows you to burn fat more efficiently and improve your endurance. To maximize your breathing, focus on exhaling as deeply as you can. “The inhale will take care of itself,” Dreyer says.

Get your abs in on the action.

Hinge slightly forward from your hips, not your waist, and you’ll engage your core. The payoff is a stronger midsection, which will prevent aches in your back and hips.
Bend your elbows.

You’ll swing your arms faster, and your legs will automatically accelerate to keep up. To amp it up even more, “swing your arms back until your hands are next to your ribs,” Dreyer says.

Step shorter.

Don’t be tempted to lengthen your stride to speed up. It sends a jolt to your joints and ultimately slows you and your calorie burn down.
Fat-Blasting Walk

Rev up the calorie burn with Dreyer’s 45-minute routine, which focuses on keeping a rhythm as you walk. Try matching the suggested step count with a free metronome app (iBeat is a good one).