i have slip disc in L4 L5

I am suffering from slip disc since last more than 15 years and I am unable to continue exercises many times due to severe pain. So I need your help for the case. Please help me due to I am the only person who earns for the family.

Mainly avoiding painful positions and following a planned exercise and pain-medication regimen will help. Consult doctor sometime slip disks eventually need surgery.

I was medically retired from the army 5 years ago. I have arthritis in my back and bone spurs in my neck. That said, I’ve been of my pain meds for months as long as I make strong ginger tea sweetened with organic blue agave and sometimes honey. Boil at least 5 table spoons of sliced fresh ginger root, you can get at most supermarkets, and bring it to a rolling boil. Turn the heat to low and leave for an hour or two, then let simmer with heat off for another hour. Makes it strong. Put your sweetener in an empty pitcher and strain the warm tea into it. Ginger reduces inflammation and helps everyq part of the digestive system as well. I know it works because I always end up taking pain meds if I go more than 3 days without it. And don’t forget to stretch. Try yoga.