Is there a home remedy for scabies?

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper benefits those with scabies because it can be used to alleviate pain associated with scabies. Cayenne contains capsaicin, a chemical that reduces pain sensations when applied to the skin. (3) Capsaicin can also relieve itching by desensitizing neurons in the skin. However, one study found that it can cause a burning sensation that 30 percent of patients experience when using capsaicin topically. (4)

There are even claims that applying cayenne pepper to the skin can kill scabies mites. There are no studies to back up these claims, but many people dealing with scabies have attested to cayenne’s ability to kill parasites when applied topically. One way to use cayenne is to add one cup to hot bathwater, sit in the bath until the water gets cold and then rinse your body. Make sure that the cayenne does not get into your eyes, as it may burn or sting. You can also create a paste with cayenne and one to two drops of water. Apply the paste to visible burrows beneath the surface of the skin.

Tiger Balm

Tiger balm is a topical cream used to reduce inflammation and provide relief from muscle aches and pain. It works as an analgesic agent because it contains camphor and clove oil. Tiger balm won’t kill the itch mites or cure the scabies infestation, but it will provide some relief during the waiting period after conventional treatment.

  1. Anise Seed Oil

According to a scientific review published in “Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects. 2nd Edition,” oil extracted from anise seeds display insecticidal activity. It can be used topically to treat scabies as well as head lice. It’s not recommended that women who are pregnant use anise oil, however, the book recommends.