kiwifruit nutrition facts calories and health benefits

Incredible Source of Antioxidant-Powered Vitamin C and E

One reason kiwifruit is undeniably a superfood is because it’s a high-antioxidant food that fights free radical damage.

In one study conducted by the Department of Chemical Toxicology, Division of Environmental Medicine at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, kiwifruit was supplemented to a normal diet and showed that with just one to two golden kiwifruit a day, a marked decrease in internal oxidative damage occurred. A big reason for this is that vitamin C levels in kiwifruit outshine oranges and provide benefits that help repair and maintain a number of body tissues and systems.

In addition, kiwi’s vitamin E content is fat-free and a strong component in lowering cholesterol and fighting free radicals. Aside from the high levels of vitamin C and E, both natural antioxidants, kiwifruit is also rich in polyphenols that have immunostimulatory activity, meaning they can prompt an immune system response.

Counteracts Aging and Improves Skin Health

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and the building block that maintains the skin, muscles, bones and tendons. It breaks down as we age and is dependent on vitamin C, which we know kiwifruit has plenty of.

According to research published in the Journal of Cellular Physiology, the polysaccharides in kiwifruit are able to double collagen synthesis in the body, compared to normal conditions when this activity reduces as we age. Kiwi is also host to a carotenoid and antioxidant called lutein, which is incredibly beneficial to skin health by protecting the skin from UV light, marking yet another kiwi nutrition benefit.

Improves Respiratory Health

Kiwifruit and other fruits high in vitamin C content have been used successfully to treat a number of respiratory illnesses. Two studies have shown beneficial reactions in both adults and children suffering from asthma and other respiratory illnesses and infections after adding kiwifruit to their diets. Both studies concluded that the fruit was able to enhance the vitamin C concentration in the body, which was able to reduce the symptoms of the patients, inc