my weight78,my height 5.6",how can i wait loss?

1.i want 10 or 15 kgs weight loss, can i loss my weight?
3.i am choosing what type of excersizes?
4.what is the diet follows?

As a nutrition major I recommend to eat 5 meals daily which include snacking. For example: Breakfast (8:30 am)- consider having a breakfast of 250-300 calories, Mid-Morning Snack (10:30)- almonds (any other nut) and a plain Greek yogurt, Lunch (12:45 pm)- eating a salad sounds cliche but it REALLY helps be sure to add Feta, or goat cheese. Add veggies such as broccoli, asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, etc. Mix in some fruits like strawberries, tomatoes, peaches, oranges, or tangerines. Snack (2pm)- Apple with reduced fat peanut butter or Carrot sticks and hummus. Dinner (5pm)- Eat a cup of vegetables before beginning your meal, drink water also, have 4 oz of meat, a cup of rice/potato.

Avoid snacking while cooking the food because this can cause you to gain weight.

At first sugar cravings will be tough (you won’t be able to stop thinking about candy and junk food) but time yourself (15 minutes) and drink lemon water, if you still want your craving indulge in a tiny piece.

Be confident in yourself never let anything get in the way of your health, and remember that we are our biggest enemy!