natural health remedies for children

Sleep is truly a great medicine, keeping us healthy in good times and helping us heal when sick. Released compounds boost the immune system, so encourage napping. Just don’t layer on too many covers, as that can overheat your child, which, in turn, can elevate his or her temperature.

Elevate the Mattress
Adding a bit of lift to the mattress at the head of the bed helps sinuses drain more readily, thus adding to your child’s comfort. A rolled towel or yoga mat will also do the trick.

A cool-mist humidifier goes a long way in relieving dry, stuffed up nasal passages by adding moisture to a room. G.K, a Philadelphia mom of two boys, five and seven, says, “I’ve got a humidifier in each of their rooms and turn them on at the first sign of a cold. Helps every time. I just have to remind myself to clean them after each use.” She makes an important point, here. While a humidifier can help relieve congestion, mold and mildew can build up and be sprayed into the air if not cleaned properly each and every time.

Chicken Soup
Grandma was right when she prescribed a cup of chicken soup for a cold-and the good news is, whether it’s homemade or store bought makes no difference. The steam helps loosen congestion and the broth hydrates. Studies have also found that the chicken and other ingredients in the soup actually have an anti-inflammatory effect-a very good thing, since inflammation causes coughs and stuffed-up noses.