Need help with social anxiety.... Where do I start?

I have figured out I have social anxiety and I want to help cure it… I do not have medical insurance and dont really know how to go about getting it… ruining my life… Im un anle to have relationships cuz im to scared to put my emotios on the line for fear of getting hurt so people do not know I am even intersted in them because I am not able to show my feelings… Inside I feel like I want to be an out going talkatve person but I am to scared to embarass myself, a slight studdering problem is part to blame… I know I am an attractive person but I always think about the negative side of things… I can tell someone is interested in me or even will tell me they are attracted to me but I will still think negative like “oh they dont really like me they was just saying that” I need help my relationship life is really hurting because of my anxiety… If someone can help me with a step by step to get help for it, like get medical insurance, then counciling dct … ect…