signs symptoms unusual blood clot


Swelling, especially in the leg(s) and often called leg edema, is one of the primary and classic symptoms of DVT.

You may notice a significance difference in the appearance and feel of one leg compared to the other. You may feel like there is fluid buildup in your leg as you stand up and begin to walk.

Although a swollen leg could mean many things, when combined with the risk factors of DVT along with its other symptoms, you have reason enough to suspect DVT and seek appropriate medical attention.

Leg edema was identified as one of the most common and significant symptoms of DVT in the leg, according to a 2009 study published in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology.

Hence, an unnatural swelling of the leg is not always a reaction to an intense workout session likely to resolve itself, but could be indicative of a blood clot.

Pain & Tenderness

Swelling may or may not accompany DVT-associated pain, but leg pain and tenderness are likely to occur when one experiences DVT-associated swelling.

Leg pain is one of the most prominent symptoms of DVT, according to a 2000 study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

You may experience a sharp and/or burning leg pain and tenderness for a variety of reasons, and it may be located anywhere in the leg.

However, DVT-associated leg-pain and tenderness is highly likely to be restricted to the calfregion, as well as along the medial thigh area (middle of the thigh to the outer sides).

About 50 to 75 percent of patients with DVT who show symptoms are likely to experience pain. DVT patients are likely to experience the most consistent and extreme pain when they are walking, as it puts pressure on the blood clot.

Such people will notice that their pain subsides when they take a break from walking for a specific amount of time (which varies from person to person), likely to come back when they resume walking.

If you notice such a pattern of pain upon walking, reduction upon resting for a fixed time, and pain again, you should definitely seek medical help. You can also squeeze your calf to see if you experience a sharp pain upon squeezing.

Unusual Warmth

A person who has a DVT blood clot in their leg may feel an unusual warmth in the area where the clot has developed. This is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as swelling and pain, but can exist without either symptom as well. However, it is most likely to be warm and tender upon touching.

Each time you experience pain after walking, and you are stopping and/or sitting down to take a break, run your hand over the area from which you feel the pain is emanating.

If it is warm, you should consider it your body’s distress signal and seek immediate medical attention.

Skin Discoloration

If you have DVT, you may notice a certain part of your leg assuming an unusual color or, as is the most common case, becoming blue or red in color. This is likely due to a blood clot developing under the discolored area.

Since a blood clot is, essentially, a trauma to the vein, it causes inflammation of the vein, manifesting itself via a visible discoloration on the skin’s surface. This irritated part of the skin may or may not become flaky and excessively dry, causing an itching problem.

Should this happen, you are advised to NOT scratch the area incessantly, as it could further aggravate the skin as well as the underlying blood clot.

This discolored area may be swollen, painful, tender and warm. Thus, skin discoloration will occur with all, or the majority of, the symptoms described above.