superfoods to boost metabolism


You don’t want to go too big on the almonds, because their fat content can undo any boost they have to your metabolism, but research suggests that almonds and other tree nuts can help you out due to the essential fatty acids they contain. The good thing is they taste great, so you can use them as a snack to hold you over until your next meal, or you can chop them up and use them to top a main or side dish. Green beans are one vegetable that lends itself well to slivered almonds. And if you want to liven things up you can get similar benefits from other nuts like walnuts or cashews.


Some claim that asparagus is a negative calorie food, requiring more calories to chew and digest it than it contains. While this may or may not be the case, it’s clear that its caloric load is low, while it nutrient load is high. It makes a great food for dieting because of its unique and delicious taste. It’s a great side sitting next to a lean meat. Get the organic kind if available, as this will help keep it a very healthy vegetable to assist you in your efforts.


Beans are often suggested for those wanting to lose weight because their nutrient makeup is such that they have a very positive effect on your metabolism. While they may be colloquially known as the musical fruit, they are definitely worth exploring if you don’t currently include them in your regular diet. They make a great side dish for most lunches and dinners, and they can easily be added to soups and chili to make them more robust and flavorful. In the Slow Carb Diet featured in The Four Hour Body, beans are front and center for their slow-burning properties.

Cruciferous Vegetables

The B Vitamins that are contained in foods like Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower, and others has a healthy effect on your metabolism and can really start to turn things around if you previously didn’t give much care or attention to the matter. These aren’t the easiest veggies to increase your intake of, but if you look for recipes that contain them they’ll usually include them with other ingredients that make them taste better than eating them straight.