tips meditate beginners

Meditation is essentially relaxation time, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. Choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and are free to relax and enjoy.
The hours of sunrise and sunset, while nature transitions between day and night, are also ideal for the practice. You will also find these times quiet at home, which will help in your meditation

Just like a convenient hour, choose a place where you not likely to be disturbed.
Quiet and peaceful surroundings can make the meditation experience for a beginner more enjoyable and relaxing.

Your posture makes a difference too. Make sure you are relaxed, comfortable and steady.
Sit straight with your spine erect; keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, and eyes closed throughout the process.
That you have to sit in padmasana (the lotus position) to meditate is a very common myth of meditation.

A good time to meditate at home - or in office - is before having a meal.
After food, you might doze off while meditating. However, do not force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry.
You will find it difficult because of hunger cramps or you may even keep thinking about food the whole time! In this case, you can meditate after two hours after having food.