ways to pass your medicare audit

Immediately check the address on the letter, including the suite number, to ensure that it is the correct and complete physical address of the intended site visit.

If you have not updated your physical address or you have an incorrect or incomplete address in the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS), the auditors may go to an invalid address or not be able to find you. Your Medicare billing privileges automatically could be terminated. If your address is incorrect, immediately change it or correct it in PECOS and the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System online.

Immediately call and make telephone contact with the auditors.

Confirm that the audit will take place, and verify the time and the exact location. Make sure the auditors are aware if you have an address change or correction from the one listed on the audit letter. Provide them with a suite number, as well as gate, parking lot, or door access codes, if relevant. Follow up in writing by fax and mail.

Immediately call your attorney and ask him or her to attend the audit and site visit.

You have the right to have an attorney present while the auditors are in your office and during employee interviews. Be sure that the attorney you involve is experienced with the audit process.