what are ovarian cysts

Most women will experience a cyst on the ovaries at least once, and most are painless, cause no symptoms, and are discovered during a routine pelvic exam.
Symptoms of an ovarian cyst include nausea, vomiting, bloating, painful bowel movements, and pain during sex.
In rare cases, an ovarian cyst can cause serious problems, so it’s best to have it checked by your doctor.

The ovaries are part of the female reproductive system. They’re located in the lower abdomen on both sides of the uterus. Women have two ovaries that produce eggs as well as the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Sometimes, a fluid-filled sac called a cyst will develop on one of the ovaries. Many women will develop at least one cyst during their lifetime. In most cases, cysts are painless and cause no symptoms.