what causes back acne

The products you’re using are clogging your pores.

That’s right: Your conditioner, your sunscreen, your body cream, your massage oils — they all can clog pores, causing you to get zits on your back.

Unfortunately, while working out is great for your body, it can also lead to acne if you’re not careful. The friction from a tight-fitting sports bra can irritate hair follicles and cause red bumps.

You’re not eating the right foods for good skin.

Remember: What’s good for your heart is also good for your skin, so it may be time to put down that milkshake and burger if you want a better complexion.

This may seem like a no brainer, but forgetting to wash or exfoliate your back is more common than you think. It’s not easy to reach or see, and it’s not particularly stinky, so who wants to waste their time playing twister in the shower? The reality is that your back needs love, too.