What is the relation between medical and electromagnetic?

Medical Biophysics
Another important distinction we should make is that of endogenous fields (produced in the body) versus exogenous fields (produced outside of the body). These exogenous fields can be further subdivided into natural fields (earths geomagnetic field) versus artificial or man-made fields, such as transformers, electricity lines, medical devices, appliances, and radio transmitters. In medical biophysics, an ionizing EMF (gamma or x-rays) refers to radiation energy strong enough to disrupt the cell nucleus and dislodge electrons from a molecule.

Ionization has been described in a continuum of strength from very strong to very weak. High-energy (high frequency) gamma and x-rays have high ionizing potential, whereas visible light radiation has weak ionizing capabilities. Various types of radiation exposure are of concern, including acute (short duration) exposure to high-energy fields, which have been extensively studied. However, just as or possibly more important are the more prolonged (longer duration) exposures to non- or weak ionizing radiation found in common household, work, and recreational applications. Prolonged exposure to what is generally considered or classified as, nonionizing radiation in the low frequency range (300-10,000 Hz), to extremely low frequency (ELF; 1-300 Hz) range, is an important question that we will consider.

Paradoxical Responses
Although it has been known that prolonged exposures to strongly ionizing EMFs can cause significant damage in biological tissues, recent epidemiologic studies have implicated long-term exposures to low-frequency, oscillating, nonionizing, exogenous EMFs—such as those emitted by power lines—as having health hazards. At the same time, there have been discoveries through research that also suggest that ELF radiation can have therapeutic healing effects in tissue.

Similar to the “specificity” seen in drugs (in that, a certain drug will target a set of receptors leading to a therapeutic effect), so too can electromagnetic radiation be configured in such a manner that leads to a specific effect(s). The configuration process has had a logical starting point, that is, observe what endogenous tissue electrical currents presently look like. When we examine biological currents, such as nerve/muscle activity, cardiac discharge, and brain electrical activity using electromyography, electrocardiography, or electroencephalography, respectively, one cannot help but speculate as to the nature of the intelligence being carried by the weak EMFs being created.

The exploration of this phenomenon could have great diagnostic and therapeutic value. It has been proposed that alterations in the endogenous EMF of cells and tissue may lead to disease, with restoration of correct EMFs leading to tissue healing. Physical corrections aside, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that psychological “auto correction” is possible, meaning that we are capable of self-regulating and correcting our individual electromagnetic profile.