what is transtracheal oxygen therapy

Transtracheal oxygen therapy (TTOT) is another method of delivering oxygen directly to the lungs. A small plastic tube (catheter) is inserted in the lower neck, which goes into the windpipe (trachea). The procedure should not be confused with a tracheotomy; they are entirely different.

TTOT has been used for long-term oxygen therapy and to treat chronic hypoxemia (low blood oxygen) for nearly 30 years. Over 26,000 people have used transtracheal oxygen during this period of time, the majority of whom have experienced a significant improvement in the quality of their lives. Transtracheal oxygen is more than a device for getting oxygen. It is a program of care.

TTOT has been shown to reduce oxygen-flow requirements by as much as 55 percent at rest and 30 percent during exercise. Because less oxygen is required, portable oxygen systems last longer and people can use smaller and lighter units.