what to do about yeast infection on the penis

  • It is important to inhibit the growth of the yeast by reducing the intake of sugar. Keep the consumption to a limited level which would be enough to meet daily energy requirements. Gluten-based foods, yeast foods, dairy products, soy foods, tuna, swordfish, shark, trans fats, splenda, etc., must be avoided, as these are rich sources of sugar. Commercial foods, fried foods, and other simple carbohydrates should also be refrained from in order to lower the growth of Candida.

  • Plain, unsweetened yogurt is an excellent natural treatment for yeast infections. It increases the number of “friendly bacteria” lactobacillus acidophilus, which help bring down the population of yeast and restrict their growth. It is recommended to take 2-3 glasses of sugarless yogurt everyday. These friendly bacteria are also present in probiotics.

  • Colon cleansing also helps treat yeast infection. An acidic environment favors such infections. A proper colon cleansing regimen helps in getting rid of toxins and waste bacteria from the body, and reduces the acidity level. Drinking plenty of water ensures effective colon cleansing, as frequency of urination will increase and more toxins will be flushed out from the body.

  • Garlic is known for its anti-bacterial and antifungal properties. Take one clove of garlic daily. You can use a garlic paste and take it with your regular meals, or you can also gulp a whole clove of it with water.

  • Anecdotally, most people have reported to have benefited from the topical application of diluted tea tree oil to yeast-infected areas; in this case, the male genital areas. Tea tree oil can be diluted with olive or sweet almond oil, and can be applied using a cotton swab. Note that full strength tea tree oil must never be applied to sensitive areas, especially the genital region.

Taking warm sitz baths provides relief from the symptoms of yeast infection. Add a cup or two of vinegar into the water and soak for sometime. This helps soothe the skin and reduce itching. Alternatively, you can also use apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is known for its powerful antifungal properties, and it restores the body’s pH balance, which in turn restricts yeast growth.