What type of doctor treats water on the knee?

If you have pain in your knee joints, it will be helpful to see a doctor who can help diagnose the cause. Your primary physician is a good place to start. They will do a thorough exam, and may also order an X-ray or MRI. In some cases you may be referred to an orthopedic specialist who can give you more specific information about your condition. If you don’t feel comfortable with the doctor’s diagnosis, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion.

Because knee pain has so many different causes, there is no single treatment that can help bring relief. However, there are several options your doctor may suggest.

Rest your knee. If your pain is the result of an injury or overuse, the doctor may ask you to rest your knee for a period of days or weeks. This will help inflamed areas return to normal so that your pain will subside.
Ice your knee. Similar to resting, ice can help swelling subside and hasten healing from certain injuries.
Compress your knee joint. Your doctor may prescribe a knee brace or other elastic bandage to reduce swelling and increase support for your joint.
Take anti-inflammatory pain medicine. Certain pain medicine can also reduce swelling and hasten healing. Medicines containing ibuprofen are the most well-known. You will want to be sure to follow dosages carefully to avoid side effects.
Strengthening and stretching exercises. Your doctor will likely prescribe exercises to help you strengthen your knee and prevent future injuries. Be sure to follow the regimen so that you can avoid future pain.
Medical procedure. In some cases, you may need a medical process to help relieve your knee pain. If you have bursitis, you may need fluid drawn off the joint. Surgery may be needed if you have bone fragments or a dislocated knee cap. Finally, in extreme cases, knee replacement surgery may be recommended.