why crossfit may not work for weight loss

CrossFit workouts are popular for people trying to lose weight. The reason normal people (non-athletes) flock to CrossFit boxes is because it makes them feel like they’re participating in the most legit new fitness craze to sweep the nation.

I don’t think it was ever cool to say you did TaeBo. It’s damn cool to call yourself a CrossFitter and post on Facebook three times a day that you’re off to “the box” to do your “WODs.”

The second reason people do CrossFit is because the workouts crush you. There’s a psychological component at play that’s not dissimilar from other programs like the also popular Boot Camp model. If I wake up in the morning and do something hard that makes me sweat and want to kill my trainer’s cat, I can feel good about what I’ve done and tell myself a story about reaching my goals.

But those two reasons aren’t good reasons for doing a workout program. A good reason for doing a workout program is because it’s safe and effective at helping you reach your goals.